apostle Clark Lesley Coe, Sr.
apostle Clark Lesley Coe, Sr.
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For directions/Address 5730 Crenshaw Blvd. Los Angeles, CA: The password is Brother http://mapsonus.switchboard.com/.
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Click here for web-site and/DNA session information: apostle Clark Lesley Coe, Sr.

Filadelfeeah Youth Developmental Program

...were together and/DNA had all things common;  sharing by:

apostle Clark Lesley Coe, Sr. 12 weeks session

Act 2:44 ...by [1223] the apostles [652].   And/DNA [1161] all [3956] that believed [4100] (5723) were [2258] (5713) together [1909] [846], and [2532] had [2192] (5707) all things [537] common [2839];
Act 4:32 ...God [2316] with [3326] boldness [3954 parrhsiva ].    And/DNA [1161] the multitude [4128] of them that believed [4100] (5660) were [2258] (5713) of OnE heart [2588] and [2532] of OnE [3391] soul [5590]: neither [2532] [3761] said [3004] (5707) any [1520] [of them] that ought [5100] of the things which he [846] possessed [5224] (5723) was [1511] (5750) his oWn [2398]; but [235] they [846] had [2258] (5713) all things [537] common [2839].

In Preparation For Conference '2002'  "Ministry Of Mulitiplicity"

Jhn 3:11 Verily [281], verily [281], I say [3004] (5719) unto thee [4671], We speak [2980] (5719) that [3754] [3739] we do know [1492] (5758), and [2532] testify [3140] (5719) that [3739] we have seen [3708] (5758); and [2532] ye receive [2983] (5719) not [3756] our [2257] witness [3141].
Jhn 5:34 But [1161] I [1473] receive [2983] (5719) not [3756] testimony [3141] from [3844] man [444]: but [235] these things [5023] I say [3004] (5719), that [2443] ye [5210] might be saved [4982] (5686).
Jhn 5:41

I received/iv-ceed  [2983] (5719) not [3756] honour [1391] from [3844] men [444].

Enrollment to be announce:

...that He might fill all things.) And/DNA He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man...

For directions/Address 5730 Crenshaw Blvd. Los Angeles, CA: The password is Brother http://mapsonus.switchboard.com/.
Parking available with security!
Join us! For more information, for speaking engagements or conferences contact us (323) 291-7889 or 1(800) 563-5276 Pin # 17.  We Thank All That Are Ministry Conscience.  This Website Has Been Inspired To Obey The Commanded Of Our Chief Shepherd!  Neither as being lords over [God's] heritage, but being ensamples to the flock.  1 Peter 5:3  

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       Web sites linking to Filadelfeeah Church Ministry's Web site (Filadelfeeah) do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of  Filadelfeeah Church Ministry nor does it represent any type of affiliation.  However, Filadelfeeah Church Ministry can be characteristically found in the fellowshipping body at-large.
apostleclc@yahoo.com  Sign Our Guestbook. Please Take The Time In Viewing This Website.  When Signing Our Guestbook, If You Have A URL For Viewing, Please Post It For Our Viewing As Well!

Since God reveals His conscience knowledge we would like to partake of the fruit that you have enjoyed from visiting the web site.  Please let us know how you we're blessed and/DNA being the blessing!   

Psalm 127:1 Except the LORD build the house...     minstrel Clark Lesley Coe      Psalm 127:1 ...except the LORD keep the city...     Resume

Love Feast Communion!
For directions: The password is Brother http://mapsonus.switchboard.com/.

http://www.hanby.org    Visit: dr. Mark Hanby

None Of Thy Kindred

Blessing christian friends! We would like to hear all and any of your thoughts either privately or for web-site entering in response to all our correspondences!  It will be necessary to state private/ prior to publishing!  If there is any doubt to submitting your response posted or what this ministry embraces please go to About Us.  For all that may not have an e-mail address or computer at home, you may click Sign Our Guestbook and send us your thoughts.  You can mark it private or not!

Many of our research are the results of the following resources:







Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible
In Stock:Ships within 24 hours .
James Strong / Hardcover / Hendrickson Publishers, Incorporated /

Gesenius' Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament Scriptures
In Stock:Ships within 24 hours .
H. W. Gesenius /


Mark Lowry's reMarkable site
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Contacte Nos 
Ensámblenos! Para más información, sobre diálogos en groupos o conferencias de discurso llámenos al (323) 291-7889 o 1(800) 563-5276 # 17. Agradecemos Todos Que Sean Conciencia Del Ministerio. Se Ha Iinspirado Esta Website para Que Obedezca lo Ordenado De Nuestro principal pastor  Ministerio Y no como teniendo señorío sobre las heredades del Señor, sino siendo dechades dela grey. 1 Pedro 5:3

Tecleo para pronóstico de Los Ángeles, California

Los sitios del Web que conectan con el Web site del ministerio de la iglesia de (Filadelfeeah ) no reflejan necesariamente las vistas y las opiniones del ministerio de la iglesia de Filadelfeeah ni él representan ningún tipo de afiliación Sin embargo, el ministerio de la iglesia de Filadelfeeah se puede característicamente encontrar se en el cuerpo becan en-grande.
pastorangelina@yahoo.com Firme Nuestro Libro para los visitantes Tome Por Favor El Tiempo En Ver Este Website. Al Firmar Nuestro Libro para los visitantes, Si Usted Tiene Un URL Para Visitar, Incluya lo Por Favor Para Nuestra Visión También!

Puesto que Dios revela su conocimiento de la conciencia quisiéramos participar de el fruto que usted ha gozado en visitar el Web site. Por favor deje nos sabre de las bendicións que recibido y como esta siendo la bendición para otros!

Banquete Del Amor Communion!
Para las direcciones: La palabra de paso es " Brother" (hermano) http://mapsonus.switchboard.com / 

http://www.hanby.org Vista dr. Mark Hanby

Ninguno De Sus Emparentado

Bendicines  Amigos cristianos ! Quisiéramos oír todos y cualesquiera de sus pensamientos privado o para el Web-site que sean en respuesta a todas nuestras correspondencias! Ser?necesario indicar privado / antes de publicar! Si hay alguna duda a someter su respuesta fijada o qu?esto ministerios abrazan por favor vaya Sobre Nosotros
 Para todos que no tener una cuenta de E-mail o un computadoria en casa, usted puede hacer clic Firme Nuestro Libro para los visitantes  y enviarnos sus pensamientos. Usted puede marcarlo privado o no

Muchas de nuestra investigación son los resultados de los recursos siguientes:

http://www.blueletterbible.org /

http://www.meatindueseason.org /

Concordancia "Strong's" exhaustiva de la biblia 
Si est?disponible:enviado en el plazo de 24 horas.
James Strong / Editores De Hardcover / De Hendrickson, Incorporados /

http://bible.crosswalk.com/Lexicons/OldTestamentHebrew /

Marque el sitio reMarkable de Lowry  

apostle Clark Lesley Coe, Sr.
P.O. Box 432134 Los Angeles, CA 90043

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